with over 100 characters and a nearly impossible amount of made-up words, infinite jest is considered difficult for a reason.
before reading, i believe it's imperative to have at least a basic understanding of hamlet and its themes. not only is the title of the book taken directly from the play, but several character dynamics and plot points are as well.
difficult/niche words by page*
character chart in relation to the entertainment
map of infinite jest-altered boston illustrated by javier zarracina w/ text by danielle dreilinger
map of enfield tennis academy illustrated by kyle ware
find more under my resources page (particularly the archived links) here!
although there are not many links here, really, the best way to read infinite jest is to simply read it. research questions you have and/or words you don't know, and reread, reread, reread.
the crux of my understanding came from my binge reading--being able to recall events is helpful when you're jumping from year of the glad bag to year of the whopper and back. best of luck!