hallie as in hal incandenza and 9000 as in hal 9000. lots of links work both for first-timers and fanatics, so i recommend looking around! many links may also have more content attached that i haven't included; they are asterisked. the howling fantods has the best resources, otherwise!
haven't read infinite jest yet? click here. be sure to also look at good things to know, recommended for those who've already read the book as well!
infinite jest resources for fanatics
my answers to the ambiguous/controversial
this website is ugly becuase i designed it for myself and cannot code. i tried to mix infinite jest's cloud background with 2001: a space odyssey's space setting, which is why the other pages are so different. i find the slightly archaic look sort of endearing. yes, tyler, i know i should center my text or whatever. please stop harping on me.
i'm also always fooling around on here, so this site is forever a wip. if you see a weird error or stumble across a page you're not supposed to be on, know that i'm working on it! there's a good chance you'll get something if you type something with a slash after the url.